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In celebration of its 75th Anniversary, this leading publisher of RV travel and family campground directories elevates its brand positioning and expression to a new customer segment and advertisers alike.
Affinity Group is a leading publisher of recreational outdoor enthusiast magazines. Its hallmark heritage brand is Woodall’s, North America’s best known publisher of RV and Family Camping travel directories in print and online. Celebrating 75 years of publication, we began the strategic process of elevating the brand’s positioning and expression to higher value customers and under-served advertiser segment– travel and tourism associations across the US and Canada.
What began as a conversation about direct marketing to this advertiser segment, evolved into a deeper process of re-thinking the Woodalls brand positioning, value proposition and marketing communications strategy to a new consumer audience and advertisers alike.
The new brand positioning and marketing communications program was based on the battle cry, “Everywhere RVers go” proclaiming Woodalls brand value to advertisers. The brand is so respected in the industry, RV dealers place Woodalls Campground Directories in the glove box of every RV they sell as a courtesy to their customers.

© 2021 Dawson+Company Strategic Brand Development LLC
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