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Quantum Leap Advisory Programs

Growth Strategies for a Creative Service Business


How this Advisory Program Works


Getting started:

Once you’ve made your decision bring me on as your advisor and facilitator, I’ll send you an Engagement Letter for you to sign and return, an invoice along with a questionnaire for you to reply to. Once we receive payment and your responses to the questionnaire, we’ll set the schedule for our strategy sessions together over the six-week program.


Our working process:

The program consists of (6) subject matter modules designed to help you set your strategic foundation for transforming your creative services business. We’ll work together remotely over scheduled Zoom sessions, email and phone as required between each session. The program duration is (6) weeks with follow up interactions over (2) months after completion of the program. For each module, I’ll send you homework and frameworks for you to prepare in advance of our weekly advisory strategy sessions together. Typically, our strategy sessions for each module (one per week) can be 2-3 hours in duration. A testimonial from one of my clients says, “prepare to do the work”. Your level of commitment to the process will determine how much value you’ll receive from your participation. I advise, guide, coach and facilitate, but you do the work.


Program Content Overview:


MODULE 1: Strengthen your strategic vision.

 There’s an old expression “where you look is where you go”. This where we start. What do you want? What’s in your way? What inspires you and your team? Your vision for a bigger future must be more than a foggy mirage in your head. What does your bigger future look like? If you want to transform and elevate your creative business, start with your thinking and mindset. Let’s get clear and confident in the direction and transformation your desire.


MODULE 2: Strengthen your capacities and capabilities.

What equities, resources, talents, tools, methods, case studies do you currently possess that aligns with your strategic vision? What’s missing to fulfill your vision and realize your bigger future? Step back from your busy day-to-day and audit what is present in your business now and determine the capabilities will you need to gain traction and momentum.


MODULE 3: Strengthen your positioning and specialization.

To distinguish and separate your creative service business from the slush pile of alternatives, you must build your reputation around a deep and narrow focus and specialization. Become the credible, go-to expert firm delivering a specific high value business outcome for a specific type of client. Salt is common, diamonds are rare. Be a diamond.


MODULE 4: Strengthen your visibility with higher value clients.

You must raise your profile in your chosen specialization. What balance of visibility strategies will you employ to attract higher value clients? Embrace the idea of fishing where the fish are. Your expertise and point of view on topics higher value clients are concerned with is the bait you’ll use to build your attraction, presence, and tailor your outreach in early-stage business development and lead generation.


MODULE 5: Strengthen your competitive advantage.

Strengthen your competitive advantage by developing winning proposals that offer high value clients a “choice of yeses”.  Stop trading time for money and embrace the principles of value-add pricing. High value clients don’t value your time and inputs. They only care about achieving their desired outcomes. Winning proposals focus on outcomes not deliverables.


MODULE 6: Strengthen your winning team.

This is a business of talent. Attract the right people in the right seats and develop a killer team focused delivering massive results higher value clients demand. This level of focus is a force multiplier in productivity, effectiveness, and value creation. Not to mention your ability to build a culture that is supportive to the professional growth of everyone in your organization and becomes the gravity that attracts top talent to your firm.


Participation Requirements:

1:1 Advisory consulting for Principals, Managing Partners only.

Our working relationship is based in honesty, trust and mutual respect. I expect Clients to know and appreciate the difference between a business strategy advisor (future growth focused) vs. a marketing, lead generation or sales consultant (focused on short term tactical sales and marketing). I facilitate, guide and coach, but I expect Clients to realize the responsibility for change and growth in their business is in their hands only.


$9,500 USD Prepaid and non-refundable.

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