Achieving a state of freedom and prosperity in life and business is a vastly different game than it was even a decade ago. The marketplace is an even more unforgiving environment.
There is a natural law early stage entrepreneurs must abide in order to attain freedom and prosperity in life. It’s the law of cause and effect. The cause is your inner game– the quality of your strategic and creative thinking, the effect is your outer game–the quality of your presence in the marketplace. Your success is an effect of a previous cause.The marketplace is an unforgiving environment. The marketplace rewards those who earn and deserve, rather than those who desire and need.
Achieving a state of freedom and prosperity in life and business is a vastly different game than it was even a decade ago.
We live our lives and grow our businesses in a hyper-connected networked age. Every aspect of life and commerce on the planet has been forever transformed. Humanity has stepped off an evolutionary plateau and ascended to a higher state. Where the transformation of humanity into the industrial age took a few hundred years, the transformation to the networked age has taken less than two decades.
The good news: never before in human history has there been so much opportunity for creative entrepreneurs to create extraordinary value in the world. The bad news: humanity is in a time of transition. Many people are being left behind trapped by 30 years of experience with skills that are obsolete.
Today, global economic systems are connected and everything in life and commerce operates at accelerated speed–to fast for most minds to comprehend its effects.
As an early stage entrepreneur living in the networked age, a radically different approach in your mindset and creative thinking is required if you are to have any chance at all of experiencing a life of freedom and prosperity. You'll need to focus your energies on creating “new value” in the networked marketplace rather than competing for the value that already exists.
The biggest challenges you’ll face in the digital age are abundant choice, clutter and noise. The modern connected marketplace is a slush pile– a vast, unending sea of white noise. People are drowning in information and knowledge. The more connected people have become, the more their attention spans shrink.
If you want your business to break through, ask yourself these questions:
How will you breakthrough the noise and clutter of the networked marketplace to transform your life and business to the next level?
Why should anyone care about your business?
What value are you bringing to the marketplace worthy of customer attention and a transfer of their money to you?
How will you create a life of freedom and prosperity through the venue of your business?
What actions will you take to experience more impact, influence and income?
For you to grow your business to the next level, against the headwinds of the hyper-networked marketplace, these questions need the right answers.
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